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CHANGES TO THE CURRENT PLANNING SYSTEM Responses must be received by the government by 01.10.2020

The government is proposing to radically reform the Planning System which has resulted in numerous bodies including 30+ M.P’s from the south of England, raising many objections to it.

PLEASE BE AWARE that unless the ministers hear from us, this disastrous planning proposal will go ahead. We must let them know it is not acceptable in its current format.

Below is a summary of our main concerns which the government intends to build into the current Local Plan process in 2021. This paper does not need parliamentary approval. Despite the warm sounding tone of the claims here is what they will really mean for us:

  • A decrease in democracy

  • A 216% increase in house building per year in Three Rivers

  • Housing on greenbelt due to lack of brownfield sites in our area

  • Lifting of small sites threshold which could cause a lack of affordable house building and lack of financial contributions.

  • The ‘affordable’ 1st homes that are built, might not be affordable

For further information – a minimized version of the Changes to the Current Planning System, send an email to

We need your help, the only way we can stop the massive increase in housebuilding, loss of greenbelt etc. is if enough people show their opposition. Don’t let the Government ruin Maple Cross/West Hyde.

Email us now!

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