Working today for a brighter, and better tomorrow

Working Towards a Brighter Future
We are a dedicated team of volunteers who are striving to make Maple Cross and West Hyde an even better place to live. All residents of both areas are automatically members of the Residents Association, but if you do Join Us we can notify you of anything of importance by email.
YOU have until 20th August 2021 @ 5.00pm to have YOUR SAY about development in Maple Cross. TRDC propose to build 1759 dwellings in our area nearly all on our Green Belt, despite already losing so much Green Belt to HS2! Please read the pdf's below to understand their plans. Whilst we need AFFORDABLE housing for local residents, despite any promises made they will probably never be built - TRDC/Developers do not offer any guarantees! We want TRDC to ensure they provide us with a doctor's surgery and shops for ANY further development in our area. We do not believe their suggestions are sustainable as we do not have the infrastructure: sewers at breaking point; Herts is in drought - chalk streams in peril; only public transport - bus service, another 1750 residents travelling to work on our existing road network? The roadworks at the Cross have shown how quickly congestion is exacerbated!
If you do not have your say and other areas in the District do - prepare for the housing number to escalate upwards by another 1000 dwellings! Simply click on the PDF's to open them: 1st = Planning Objection Suggestions, 2nd = Map of Proposed Sites, 3rd = General Info.
Who We Are
Here at Maple Cross & West Hyde Residents Association, we are driven by a single goal; to do our part in making our area a better place for all. We strive to build productive relationships and make a positive impact with all of our pursuits. Our Mandate:
Support sustainable development.
Protect Greenbelt land.
Encourage sensible housing targets.
Protect and preserve our environment for future generations.
Making A Difference

Mindful of Climate Change
Protect Greenbelt Land

Oppose Bad Developments
Protect our Environment

Support Sustainable Development
Build Better Quality Affordable Housing
Get Involved
Together We Can Make a Difference
We believe the best way for our initiatives to be successful is for the community of Maple Cross and West Hyde to actively get involved. This is an easy and efficient way of contributing to the great work we are doing at Maple Cross & West Hyde Residents Association.
Partner with Us

To Join and Participate:

To JOIN US just send us an email stating whether you are a resident of Maple Cross / West Hyde, or state what club or association within our area you are a member of and please Include your name!
Occasionally we will send you an online survey, always a simple Yes or No response, so that issue by issue we can learn exactly how the membership feel about any topic. This will be our way forward. Our way to make Maple Cross and West Hyde stronger communities with a voice that shapes our area. PLEASE JOIN US NOW.

Donations Only - No Subscription
Since we are contacting members by email, conducting online surveys and have a Facebook page, expenditure will be kept to a minimum. However, there are obligatory costs incurred eg this website, etc. Therefore whenever we hold meetings, we will have a collection box for anyone wishing to contribute and will be very grateful for whatever you can spare.